
First stop - Cape Canaveral - 16 Dec 2019.
Space-X (CEO Elon Musk) was having a launch that night off Cape Canaveral something we all wanted to see, but mainly Derek being our techie guy.
With rocket launches, there are two stages.
The first stage- the bottom half detaches and lands on the ship or the shore. For the launch we watched it landed on the ship.
Second stage - The rocket leaves the earths atmosphere, at this stage it has two payload farings, (which is a shield or nose cone that goes over the satellite to protect it as it leave the atmosphere.) Once out of the atmosphere the farings come off and they are supposed to be caught in big nets suspended over ships. Ours landed in the sea near the ship and were collected, these can still be reused for non sterile payloads like starlink internet satellites.
Amazing to think that they can pin point the landings so accurately.
Disclaimer - Something to that effect, I am not the techie one.

Youtube video of rocket launch, Derek finds this interesting but for some it will be the longest 47 minutes 48 seconds of your life.

(Space-X and Tesla are looking at making ventilators, Apparently China had an oversupply of ventilators so Musk bought 1255 FDA-approved ResMed, Philips & Medtronic ventilators and airshipped them to LA.)



Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Florida, USA

Florida is super busy with snowbirds in their huge RVs spending the winter in the warmer climate. Most of the RV parks were full and or very expensive but we did manage to get some nights at the Jonathan Dickinson State Park on the Loxahatchee River, (Florida's first federally designated "Wild and Scenic River,") it winds its way through the park under the cypress trees, a beautiful and peaceful place.